At Berwick Panthers Basketball Club, we encourage all forms of positive, sportsmanlike and encouraging behaviour and communication between all players, parents and families, and club officials (including to association staff, referees and other players/supporters).
The attitude and behaviour of our players, coaches and parents (including family guests), when representing the BPBC, is expected to be exemplary at all times. This includes communication via all forms of media (email, Facebook, Twitter, etc) and the privacy of others in the Club - their personal & professional lives outside the Club is to be respected at all times.
Our club has a General and Email/Social Media Code of Conduct that all players, parents, club officials and their families must abide by, this includes Basketball Victoria's Code of Conduct.
Players, Club Officials and Parents give the Berwick Panthers Basketball Club Committee the right to deal with any misconduct or infringement of the Codes of Conduct that is brought to their attention. Penalties for breaches of these Codes of Conduct are at the discretion of the Committee, and may include suspension from games/training and in the event of serious or repeated infringements, expulsion from the club.
As a Player/Team Official:
- Be a good sport and team player - play for the love of it
- Take responsibility for your actions – follow the directions of your Coach and Team Manager at all times
- Compete according to the competition conditions and rules
- Accept the decision of the umpires - if in disagreement with a decision, raise it with your coach
- Control your temper and your language – no criticism by words or actions
- Encourage and support your team/club members
- Show respect and recognition for your opponents, their skills and achievements, applaud good play and goals by the opposing team. Be friendly to all participants
- Bullying and Harassment will NOT be tolerated in any form
- At all Club functions, whether training, games or social gatherings, we expect each player/team official to behave in such a way that their actions reflect positively on our Club
As a Parent/Spectator
- Encourage and support players, coaches and team mangers at all times
- Never ridicule or yell at a player for making a mistake, or not performing to your expectations, support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities
- Bullying and Harassment will NOT be tolerated in any form
- Remember that children learn by example – applaud good performances by all and cheer with good sportsmanship in mind
- If in disagreement with an umpire’s decision, keep it to yourself and allow the game to proceed. If your concern is in relation to safety of players, then please raise it discreetly with the Coach or Team Manager during a break in play
- Ensure that playing/training venues are smoke and alcohol free always
- At all Club functions, whether training, games or social gatherings, we expect all parents and family guests to behave is such a way that their actions reflect positively on our Club
Email and usage of the Club’s Facebook page is to be in accordance with the Club’s General Code of Conduct. Any communication or content that undermines this is not acceptable. Our Club prohibits bullying, harassment, discrimination, offensive, abusive or unsportsmanlike behaviour in all of its forms of communication.
Electronic communication can often be inadequate in conveying mood and context, therefore users should carefully consider how the recipient/s might interpret a message before composing or sending the message. All communication should strive for the highest level of professionalism, politeness and courtesy.
Whilst the Club’s Facebook page is a closed page, users are personally responsible for the content they publish. Be mindful that published content will be in the public domain indefinitely.
Respect the audience – don’t use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any behaviour or conduct that is not aligned with the General Code of Conduct. Users should also show proper consideration for others’ privacy and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory.
‘Tagging’ on photos of any player under 18 years of age is not permitted without permission of their parent or guardian. ‘Tagging’, on photos for any adult is not permitted without that person’s permission
It is not acceptable for users to upload website links or photos known to contain offensive material. Offensive material includes content of an obscene, threatening, dangerous, unlawfully discriminatory or of a sexual nature.